Sometimes u need to display some extra information on click of a custom button in a standard salesforce button but a simple javascript alert wouldnt serve the purpose.
In some scenarios you need to display some visualforce page and perform some operations .
In many scenarios this custom popup modal window will come to your rescue !
To create this pop first create a custom button.
For this example I am going to create a custom button opportunity
Go to "Opportunities"------>"Buttons, Links, and Actions".
Happy Coding !!!!!
In some scenarios you need to display some visualforce page and perform some operations .
In many scenarios this custom popup modal window will come to your rescue !
To create this pop first create a custom button.
For this example I am going to create a custom button opportunity
Go to "Opportunities"------>"Buttons, Links, and Actions".
- Click on "New Button or Link"
- Type in the label and description for the button
- For "Display Type" choose "Detail Page Button"
- For "Behavior" choose "Execute Javascript"
- For "Content Source" choose "OnClickJavascript"
- In the code section paste the following code.
function showSimpleDialog(){
var sd = new SimpleDialog("Test"+Dialogs.getNextId(), true);
sd.setTitle("Simple Dialog");
sd.createDialog(); = sd; sd.setWidth("50%");
//Specify the iFrame and give URL of VF page or give the content
if ($(sd.dialog).find('#InlineEditDialogX').size() == 0) {
var close = $("<a id='InlineEditDialogX' title='Close' tabindex='0' href='javascript:void(0)' class='dialogClose'>Close</a>");
close.mouseover(function() {
this.className = 'dialogCloseOn';
}).mouseout(function() {
this.className = 'dialogClose';
}).click(function() {
// finally our on click handler which closes the dialog
//This is to refresh the page once the modal is closed.If you dont want to refresh comment the code
// insert the new generated close button before the h2 tag so it'll show up on the top right corner
close.insertBefore($(sd.dialog).find('.topLeft h2'));
}; } showSimpleDialog();
Screen Shot:
Further add the button to the layout
once u click on the "custom Pop up" button a Cool looking light box modal will be opened up.
Output :
Further you can customize the height width and title of the lightbox to suit your requirements.
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