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Showing posts from July, 2014

Modal popup on click of custom button

Sometimes u need to display some extra information on click of a custom button in a standard salesforce button but a simple javascript alert wouldnt serve the purpose. In some scenarios you need to display some visualforce page and perform some operations . In many scenarios this custom popup modal window will come to your rescue ! To create this pop first create a custom button. For this example I am going to create a custom button opportunity Go to "Opportunities"------>"Buttons, Links, and Actions". Click on "New Button or Link" Type in the label and description for the button For " Display Type " choose "Detail Page Button" For "Behavior" choose "Execute Javascript" For "Content Source" choose "OnClickJavascript" In the code section paste the following code. {! REQUIRESCRIPT(" ")} function show...

Restricting the file types upload in salesforce chatter

Restricting the file types upload in salesforce chatter To restrict the file types one option is to write a trigger on "Feeditem". Developing the Trigger: Open developer console ,go to "File"---> "New" --->"Apex Trigger". From the pop-up give the name of the trigger and choose the sObject as "FeedItem" from the dropdown and hit "Submit" Start Coding !! //TRIGGER TO RESTRICT FILE TYPES ON CHATTER trigger restrictFileType on FeedItem (after insert) {                   for(FeedItem fi :                    {                                  if(fi.ContentType == 'text')                                            fi.addError('You are not allowed to upload this kin...